Portfolio pic
Hello, My Name is

Joshua Yang

Software Engineer

About Me

Information About Me


I'M Joshua Yang

A Lehigh Undergraduate pursuing Computer Science and Business

Computer science undergraduate with seeking to learn how to appropriately apply the knowledge I learned toward my development experience and optimize businesses. Possess knowledge on various programming languages such as Java, C, database language such as Oracle SQL, and fundamentals of varying business courses.

18th March 1999



334 300 7271

United States


Bryn Mawr, PA


My Strengths

I am Optimistic

I always tend to look at the bright side, learn from my mistakes and strive further to improve myself.

I am Persistent

I believe failures and errors are necessary to learn something well.

I am Honest

No matter what I do, no matter where I am, I would put honesty as my #1 motto and I know it will get me far.

I am Dedicated

Deciding to lose 45lbs just in two months was no easy job; But I knew I could do it, so I've done it.

I am Flexible

I am able to soak in new concepts and materials very quickly and apply them to solve problems.

I am Collaborative

I find my collaborative nature as one of my strongest attributes. I work very well with my teammates to acheive our goal.

Professional Skills

I like to break down problems into smaller sections and conquer them one by one.


Latest Works

  • All
  • Java
  • Python
  • C
  • dart

I am extremely passionate about software development and applying new concepts I learn.

Latest Github

On-going Frontend Design

Lehigh Leftover Application

Motivated by the global concerns about the environment, I decided take part in the frontend of an application development with my friends that encourages decreasing food waste and promote sustainability.

See The Work
Mar 2020 Database Design

Personal Bank

Motivated by the Oracle database class, this project aids myself as a programmer to advance further with creating database and managing it accordingly.

See the work
April 2020 Linux Design

Linux Command Line

Programmed in C, this project reproduces the linux command line and its functions.

See the work

Get In Touch

Drop me a line

I am here to answer any Question you may have!